Polices Script / 80s / The Auratype DEMO Regular / The Auratype DEMO Regular Télécharger

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( The Auratype is retro and classic typeface who inspired by the 60s - 80s designs with more unique explored style like swosh and alternate character. This font made from manual sketch with many many scratch then finished to font. Make your designs project FREE )

  • ( The Auratype is retro and classic typeface who inspired by the 60s - 80s designs with more unique explored style like swosh and alternate character. This font made from manual sketch with many many scratch then finished to font. Make your designs project FREE )
  • The Auratype DEMO.ttf
  • Polices: The Auratype DEMO Regular
    par Auratype
  • Poids: Regular
  • Version: Version Version 1.000
  • Nombre de caractères: 211
  • Schéma d`encodage:
  • Est-hélice à pas fixe: Non

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The Auratype DEMO Regular Polices MAJUSCULES

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